This milestone is marked by your child transitioning to staying in worship with you and the other adults. Each child will receive a church-wide blessing and an age-appropriate Bible as he or she promotes to first grade. This is a season where your child will begin exploring God’s nature as he or she formulates ideas and opinions about life. We will invite you to a Milestone Class where you will be equipped to interact with your child during worship and to guide him or her as faith is developed during these formative years.


DAILY DEVOTIONALS  Learning to study God’s word on a consistent basis needs to begin during these years. Along with our Sunday morning D6 Curriculum, each child will receive a guidebook to help with this discipline. Daily devotionals are provided to keep your child connected with what was learned on Sunday while teaching a healthy spiritual discipline.
FAIMLY TIME  Set an intentional time for your family to make memories together. This time can be a certain day of the week or a certain time of day when parents can love on and play with their children. These times can provide an opportunity to emphasize spiritual principles.
MEALS TOGETHER  As busyness grows exponentially during these years, a family must commit to meals together. These times bring connection and closeness. They can be used to discuss highs and lows of the day, ask deeper questions, and affirm each other.
SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES  During these spiritually formative years, children are constructing their faith and understanding of God. It is important to begin teaching and practicing the disciplines of giving and serving together as a family. Setting healthy boundaries with media, learning to interact with others by showing respect, having good manners, and learning about authority are important disciplines at this age.